How to Work with Stupid People

How to Work with Stupid People

How to Work with Stupid People

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Feel like you’re trapped in a madhouse of workplace stupidity?

This tongue-in-cheek guide is your survival kit.

After 30 years navigating irrational decisions, pointless processes, and clueless colleagues, expert JS Paxton decodes the bizarre psychology behind baffling behaviors using witty wisdom. From understanding the different species of stupidity to the “Dreaded Oblivion Syndrome” sufferers, learn strategies to influence, communicate with, and protect your sanity around even the most mediocre mentalities.

Packed with anecdotes and research-backed frameworks, How to Work with Stupid People provides clarity amidst confusion, empowering you to:

  • Maintain composure with stealth sarcasm and emotional detachment
  • Decode complicated situations into actionable tactics
  • Safeguard mental health while surrounded by workplace frustration
  • Influence mediocre mindsets and guide teams toward growth
  • How to not get angry at work
  • Progress your career beyond stagnating stupidity

The time has come to break free from the shackles of workplace stupidity. Soon you will possess the knowledge and tools to navigate this unconventional world with finesse.

Reclaim your sanity by clicking Buy Now on Amazon

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